Stephanie Ehmke, MA, LPC
Storyteller - Author - Speaker
Pastor - Counselor
Passionate Advocate of Hope
The calling on my life is to help answer the question presented to me on
a daily basis. “Is hope real?” Regularly, I spend time with people who are struggling in some way, whether it be health, finances, a wayward child, grief, marital crisis or whatever life throws at them, and the question remains the same. “Is there hope in my situation?” Or to phrase it differently, “Can I trust that God will show up in my pain?” In light of the brokenness found in our world, I think these are valid questions.

Over the years, I can honestly say that I have found God (through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ) to be absolutely faithful and hope to be a real and beautiful thing. The clearest evidence I’ve seen of this hope has been manifested through God’s Word. While I believe this to be true, I also know that this hope is not so accessible and visible to those who are in the middle of a struggle. As I’ve recounted countless conversations with people in crisis, this is a common theme - pain "muffles" God's voice. Hurting people want to believe hope is real, but the reality eludes them and they don’t know how to find it because they can't hear God over their pain.
So how does someone who is hurting find hope? The answer is actually simpler than one might expect. Those who have hope and know it to be true must hold it out to those who can’t see or hear it. A phrase I find myself utilizing over and over in conversations is, “I know you don’t believe hope is real right now, but I know it is, so how about if you hold onto my hope until you can grasp it for yourself.”
This is the essence and purpose of what I try to hold out to others through my writing and speaking. I know hope is real; I’ve seen it. So for those who can’t see or hear it for themselves, I’m taking the time to mine God’s Word and then share what I learn.
I pray you find the hope you seek through my work.
Stephanie currently serves as the Location Pastor of Grace Ann Arbor West, part of the Grace Church Network in Michigan.
She is a licensed professional counselor in the states of Missouri and Michigan,
a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri,
and holds an undergraduate degree in ministry from St. Louis Christian College, Florissant, Missouri.